Food for thought...As bananas ripen, the starch in the fruit turns to sugar. Therefore, the riper the banana the sweeter it will taste.
It's great to have children. Never a dull moment. My two youngest daughters are two years a part. Several years ago I received a distressful call at work from my wife telling me that I needed to come home and take my two youngest daughters away before she gave them away to the Orphanage. Alarmed, I asked her what they had done. She preceded to tell me the story which has gone down into infamy in our family archives. She related that she had just taught our youngest child how to dust the furniture that day. Our youngest daughter had dusted the furniture in one of our rooms and my wife had put the polish away and moved on to clean another part of the house. My wife sent my youngest child into her room to clean it. She returned back to my daughter's room to check up on her to find that she had retrieved the polish off of the shelf (Liquid Gold) and had done a real nice job on polishing her room! Not only had she polished all of the furniture, she had covered the entire room in Liquid Gold! (Mirrors, beds, carpets, etc..) The whole full can was gone! My youngest daughter liked it so much she took the time to even polish herself. She was covered from head to foot in Liquid Gold. My wife took my youngest daughter and plopped her in the shower to get the Liquid Gold off of her. (Not easy to remove Liquid Gold...) While my wife was occupied with my youngest daughter, my other daughter decided she would take the opportunity to bake a the middle of our living room floor!...and on top of our new five hundred dollar rug. She preceded to dump the contents of a 5 lb sack of flour on to our rug and started jumping on it so that it was nice and mixed....Well my wife heard the commotion in the living room and found that mess waiting for her. She proceeded to put that daughter into our other shower to clean off the flour from her and then she took the vacuum and cleaned the mess she made out of the rug before our rug was ruined. While she was thus engaged my youngest daughter, dripping wet from the shower, got out of the shower and decided she didn't want to take a shower anymore but wanted to paint. She took the paint from under the cabinet and painted our kitchen table blue. Well my wife found out that my youngest daughter was not in the shower anymore and followed the pool of water she tracked across the house to her next master piece on the table. At this time my wife was beside herself with the messes these two had caused and took the youngest, which was now not only oily but blue, and put her back into the same shower my other daughter was in and threatened them not to move on which pain and death would be inflicted upon them if they did. My wife moved on to clean up all of the messes they had made. She came back to them in the shower after she had finished to find my second to youngest daughter had pulled the scissors out of the drawer and had given my youngest daughter a nice hair cut. It was at this time my wife had had enough and had called me on the phone.
This destruct o tag team has never duplicate that kind of event since but I believe it is something us as parents will remember for years to come.
very funny.
Wow! I can imagine the fear in the shower that was placed their eyes. What's Mom gonna do? That would be a hard day.
Nice background. I want more information about the banana theory.
THE BANANA THEORY.:There once was a banana named George. He was hangin around the fruit stand one day and this dashing young Brazilian banana came strutting in. "Oh my, what a banana", he replied. She had just the right Ap"peel" and took his wee little heart away. I must have her as my wife thought George. So George wobbled over to her and with as much emotion as he could muster asked her to be his wife. She took one look at him, said something about being too green and that she was going to split. George was sad but he knew he was just a part of a bunch of bananas who one day would ripen. The words would go down in the banana world to be remembered from that time forward as "banana split"
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